Archive for November, 2013


We had a lot of fun this Halloween. Dressing up six kids is still a lot of work, but the make up got on, the knitting finished, just in time to send them outdoors and for me to take a seat.

Now, my seat was specially orchestrated…..we had to have fun with my amputated foot. We wrapped it in gauze, spread some red face paint on it and propped it up with zombie foot below. I was kind and lowered the foot before the babies and toddlers saw, but those middle school boys had some funny reactions. One boy was positive it was fake, but I really can’t imagine how you hide most of your foot. Hey, if you are going to have a tragedy might as well make it a tragic comedy. I sat there knitting while stunned children attempted to choose candy from the bowl next to my bloody stump. Guaranteed leftovers, it’s hard to be greedy when you are trying to stare at the stump.

I did forget to take pictures of my kids before they left so I was only able to get soggy pictures of the oldest four since the younger ones had showered and changed before I remembered, oh well.  I will post what I can especially the knit beard, that was fun to make.  I even knit a crown, that, of course, my daughter chose not to wear.  Itchy wool, ugh.   Both the crown and beard were knit in record time, after four and finished before five-thirty.  Awesome, I even had time to eat a slice of pizza before they all ran off to empty the neighborhood of candy.

This will definitely be a Halloween to remember, and maybe the start of a great tradition, embracing my amputation, in a gory way.   We forgot to carve pumpkins but at least the kids have giant sacks of candy to distract them from the rotting pumpkins that should be outside our door.  I even forgot the glow in the dark bracelets/necklaces to keep them from getting run over by the parents who care to keep track of their children…..I finally convinced my husband to join the concerned crew and check on our sure to be soaked children.  He tried but couldn’t find them.  They all arrived home in spite of my worry.  Like I said a Halloween to remember.

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