
My name is Amy, I have decided to blog about my knitting.  Time to knit, to me is a big play on words.  I have six children, five that I home school, and one is a freshman in public school.   As a family we have moved around a lot, lived in Nebraska, Iowa, China and Michigan.  We spent 2 years in China, where we learn to adapt to a very different culture, learn to love a new way of life and much more about ourselves.  We are learning to adapt in new ways now and knitting is my coping mechanism.  Maybe it has always been my coping mechanism, it has introduced me to many people, exploring knitting in China showed us parts of China we may have never ventured to and gave us a connection to locals that bridged the culture gap.

Finding time to knit with kids isn’t always easy but right now I find I have too much time to knit.  An arterial vascular malformation was found in my foot, and I have to keep it up often to keep the swelling down.  I go in to the hospital on occasion to get treatment, alcohol is injected into the blood vessels of my foot to kill them….it is extremely painful.  My hospital stays are typically 3 days.  I hope that soon there will be a gap of a few years before my next treatment but for now I am just healing from my third procedure.  This has given me a lot more time to knit and maybe even blog about it.

My kids will just have to fend for themselves while I rediscover my knitting life and try to minimize the pain in my foot.  Maybe I will bring them along in this journey if they will just cooperate and keep the yarn coming and the patience overflowing as they deal with this increasingly impatient Mom.  So welcome to my new knitting world, definitely crazy, at times frustrating, and constantly evolving as I navigate this new sidelined life, I never was a good cheerleader, this will certainly stretch me.

If you are curious about our time in China, here is a link to my China blog, I occasionally update it with some of the millions of photos we took.  It is older but if you are curious feel free to check it out.


An update on my life, I went in for my fourth procedure on my foot and ended up staying in the hospital for a month.  We knew the procedure had some serious risks, but the rewards outweighed the risks.  I ended up having most of my foot amputated but I am very happy to say I no longer have an arterial vascular malformation.  Now I can begin to live again.  As soon as my foot heals and I get my prosthetic, I can start running around again.  I cannot wait to return to my normal busy self.   I look forward to dragging my knitting with me as I chase after my kids and hunt down yarn shops.

  1. #1 by tinyexpats on January 21, 2015 - 5:45 PM

    Just nominated you for the Real Neat Blog award 😉 Get well soon!

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