Posts Tagged stash

Time to curl up with my knitting

The weather has turned bitterly cold, and no matter how much my mind is telling me too, I can’t find the urge to knit the kids some mittens. Scarves, sweaters, hats and ponchos roll off the needles, but with six kids, how can I commit to so many mittens. I’ll admit it’s the thumbs and the fear that I won’t make them match. I’ve made mittens. I know how to make them. I still can’t make myself start. I have even sorted through my stash looking for the perfect yarn, only to be distracted by a much more perfect project. Scarves are sooo much easier and as I check the length, I can keep my neck warm. I can’t knit with mittens on, so they really can’t warm me as I work. Afghans cover my lap and warm me, for that matter, sweaters do too. I think I should just plan on knitting the mittens in the summer, as I sit in my air conditioning, right? I am looking for and have found any excuse not to knit them. If and when I ever do get around to it, I hope my kids appreciate the monumental effort it took.

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Restless Knitting

Is there a cure for restless knitting syndrome???  I’m in desperate need of a cure.  For some reason, unknown to me, when things get stressful, I reach for a new knitting project.  As my foot heals, and new challenges arise, (like climbing in and out of the van, I know, difficult, huh?) my painkiller of choice is new knitting projects.

I found a new book at the bookstore and immediately had to start at least one of the patterns, if only to justify the purchase.  By morning, I had to cast on a lace shawl, just to have something else to work on when the checkerboard (new book pattern) might get a  little boring. Not to mention the I-cord I had to start this morning to finish the baby hat that I had barely cast-off before beginning the so-called cast-on shawl.  As if I really have time to knit all of this, maybe I should re-injure my foot just so I can keep up with all my cast-ons.  Or I could just get one more knitting bag to carry these projects with me wherever I go, I am sure my husband would love this idea.

It is at this point, on behalf of my husband that I will put a request out there, for any known cure for this restless knitting syndrome, I am positive it is a disease that only progresses with time, that no amount of yarn stashed can cure, book buying only worsens, and time off my feet has decidedly aggravated.   This is a cry for help, or maybe just a plea for  compassion and understanding…..I will finish these projects, someday.

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