Archive for May, 2014

Magazine overload

I regularly get emails from an assortment of knitting sites. In a recent email I saw a beautiful lace knit cardigan–hooded! I thought about for awhile then happened to be at the mall where there just happens to be a Barnes and Noble. Of course I couldn’t just buy one magazine, so I browsed the selection until I found a suitable companion for the first one.
By the time I arrived home, I have looked at all the patterns and thought I should finish at least one of the half-dozen projects already on my needles. Even if I have just bought a new set, I realize I need to keep some perspective. Well at least for today, tomorrow I’ll just pretend I didn’t tell myself this and start those patterns that keep rolling through my mind.


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Shawl I begin?

I keep putting off starting a shawl, not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t seem to find empty needles to begin it. I found the solutions. Buy more needles. Now I can start many more projects, maybe finish some too.


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Return of the Baby Hats

A wedding started the resurge of baby hats. I suppose that sounds strange. My basket has been full of baby hats all winter. I’m not quite up to walking the distance to the baby floor of the hospital I spent a month in last summer so I lost interest in knitting them for awhile. Until the wedding.
The wedding was planned for last Saturday, and I had the pleasure of seeing the bride, her mother and her bridesmaids prepare for the wedding. What fun it was to be a part of the preparation, even if it was just my basement, staircase, and the toddlers we had fun keeping an eye on. The baby hats came into play when the photographer was looking for good lighting to photograph the rings. My knitting is a very visible thing in my home. Baskets of yarn, half-begun projects, finished projects and needles adorn my home. A few questions later and my finished collection of baby items were strewn across my coffee table.
A couple of my hats and a baby blanket were sold. There was even mentioned interest in more purchases. My mind is now churning out ideas faster than I can knit. I’m excited about the baby hats again.
The variety of styles are leaping off my needles. I even ordered more needles and yarn so I can keep churning out the projects. I needed this distraction as I have had frustrating news about my stump. Now I can bury myself in yarn and projects so I will not worry and fret over something of which I have no control. The MRI is a week away and I am so excited about all the patterns I can distract myself with. Happy knitting people!



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